
Friday, April 18, 2014

Scripting time!

For programming, we've been learning MEL and Python. We were asked to come up with 10 possible Pyth scripts that we could have use for later. These are mine:

-A Script that hides everything except the selection in all viewports
-A script that selects all the edges  around a loop (as opposed to shift double clicking, which occasionally dosen't work)
-A script that relaxes all selected verts by a certain percentage (as if you were vertex painting maybe?)
-A script that toggles backface culling on in all viewports
-A separate script that toggles backface culling off in all viewports (I like keeping it separate so I dont get confused)
-A script that forces all the selected verts to a certain place on the grid
-A script that quickly applies a new material to a certain object (to tell them apart)
-A script that selects all the edges in a loop and deletes them right after (to add onto the other)
-A script that immediately planar maps UVs onto something and then unfolds them. (this is probably stupid.)
-A script that automatically forces all viewports to fit the object into the viewport (as opposed to clicking f multiple times)
-A script that duplicates an object, puts it in a new layer and hides it

The bold text are my top three, the italicized are my second choice.

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