
Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Pass - Level Design and Stunt Research

New year new start! This year's project is a small scope racing level. Pre-production time.

Lately, I've been influenced by bright, colorful enviroments... Particularly scenes seen in the mountains.
When I went home for winter break (I live in Virginia), I noticed the colors of the tundra-y environment were amazing, and rarely captured. (At least in my opinion.)
Dark, dark sky with bright oranges, faded greens and yellows with a bit of white. These are things that I want to represent in my level.

With our spaceship theme, I struggled a bit trying to figure out how to incorporate something like this with a... spacestation. After looking through a few books, I noticed that a lot of mountainous regions have the same color schemes, and AMAZING shots above the clouds.

So... I decided to do a biome-esque level with a racetrack/landing pad sort of design incorporated in it.
My concept art so far... Aaaand... My Isometric first pass:

More to come!