
Friday, October 16, 2015

Bal Maquette

For a zbrush assignment, I made a maquette of one of my characters! It was a fun assignment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Krampus Sculpt WIP!

Hey, hey hey there! I'm working on a krampus sculpt from the game Don't Starve. Here are some WIP images!

Aaand Reference used:

Spent about an hour or two on the blockout. Gonna continue it when I have time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Its been a while, but I've been chugging away on prepro work and have neglected this personal space greatly. Oh well. Here's a speed sculpt I made with some freetime I had on saturday. I want to do more stuff like this, so you'll be seeing more of it soon!

It was based (ROUGHLY) off of this little concept I made:
This was my first time sculpting something entirely in zbrush... and using polypaint. Plus a lot of other tools I'd never really used before, and I'm happy that I managed to make something out of the craziness that was going on. Next I'll be trying a simple fullbody, but that'll probably take a little longer.

Alrighty, off to do more prepro. See you around!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Camera Move Research

For our boss battle pitch, we need to research a real camera move that we could use in our trailer.
For the end, I want the characters to attack each other/fly at each other like this:


and... This following shot for our fireballs from Sucker Punch: